Friday, March 25, 2011

Threaded Arrow Stitch

Okay I've finally finished the Chain of Hearts group DYOB second week's stitch on both my own heart block and the square block for swapping with a participating member.  Now you can barely tell this stitch as it's the brown/black used as a base to thread the cord which was a chore to get through the fabric to hide the ends and also the strung beads.  A very useful stitch for heavier embellishments to anchor in place.

My own heart block

My block for swapping

Now onto the third week's "Cretan" stitch. This will be a challenge as you can see I used that stitch to weave the varigated cord through the Threaded Arrow St. So I'll have to get more creative me thinks! Hmmmm!
I still am behind in my March commitments, but slowly creaping forwards!!!

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