Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ringing in 2008

Well I slipped and slided out of Manitoba and into NW Ontario and back again no problemo but with much annoyance with my windshield washers and wipers. First it was they would not go on and it was a slushy mess out but I finally coaxed them to work sporadically at least and then on the way back turned on to clear the splashes and then continued to spray till the tank was empty (30 miles down the road with a couple of attempts of shutting the car off to see if that would work) but the wipers stayed on until I arrived home and unplugged the connection under the hood. First it was the weather and then my car, it sure was a testing my patience weekend and if it wasn't for the fact I hate walking in the dark I just might have ditched it enroute!!!

BUT my ringing in the New Year with Adeline was just great and very peaceful (well except for my yakking - probably she's rethinking another invitation - LOL!) and we even checked out the new quilt shop and had a nice visit then I got dropped off at The Blue Heron shop and picked up a few tiny ornaments on clearance and then walked back to Adeline's - muchly needed I tell you! Oh yes we ate to our stomachs' content and then some and once the driving was finished with we added in the wine too!!!

Yes we did accomplish a LOT of stitching too, much to the chagrin of Pokey her son's cat who wanted attention off and on - even pets from me too (yes Benedryl to the rescue - chuckling). It was an awesome few days and I thank you very much Adeline and look forward to my summer stop ins and hopefully some more quilty lessons from you again. By the way, Adeline is shy and really did not want me taking pictures of her but I could not resist Pokey's antics at disturbing her hand sewing of quilt blocks for a top!!!

He He He here's my friend Adeline and Pokey checking out her thread. Yep, I got the okay to post the full picture so I've changed it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rose Anne:
I'm glad you enjoyed your two days at my mom's place!
Pokey doesn't seem to like it when my mom is quilting and often gets in her way - nice photos!
Becky Johnson

Linda Mullen said...

LOL I had a cat named Pokey too, he was a lovely cat. Glad to hear that you had such a lovely time Rose Anne.