Monday, March 03, 2025

Catchup - Feb 19th-March 3rd

Feb 19th

I decided I was feeling better and needed a change of scenery. So picked up Edna an headed to the Collection Outlet Mall, a shopping cart from Saks on 5th and two full rounds. Naturally I had to sit down 5 times to relieve pain in my hip but then walking as if nothing was wrong till it built up again. Thank you Edna for my Chai Latte and your Carmel Machiatto break before heading home. 

Edna went home with a couple trail mix muffins, slices of apple cinnamon bread and a couple over ripe apples for future crisp from me!

My easy supper of fried bologna, egg and toast with PB. Dessert will be the end of Edna's apple crisp and salty carmel ice cream!

Feb 20th

Hmmm a so so followup Dr appointment, bloodwork and weight he's happy with. CT would not really show hip issues like x-rays already taken, replaced my blood sugar monitor that sometimes is faulty, updated my Tetnus and Pnemonia Booster shots and scheduling bone density test. He said the coughing cold has also flu like symptoms and tough to get rid of. As for my walking, well just keep going and trying to extend distances. HMMMM

Feb 21st

Local Physiotherapy is booked for Monday! Hopefully this works better than the Pan Am sessions last year! 🙏

I felt better so picked up Edna and walked to, around the English Garden and back to the car. 

Did not do too badly, sat down 4 times to relieve built up hip pain. Ran some errands before Edna treated us to Boston Pizza for supper.

Dropped her home and returned to relax too!

Feb 22nd

Here's a beautiful winter scene I'd have loved to try out! Well darn I gave away bags of buttons.

DANG now spring baseball has started!!!
I can only record two programs at the same time! Hmmmm!!! Gonna have to do some serious culling!!!

Feb 23rd

A couple months ago Janet Nickle gave me baggies of 1" and 1.5" squares and strips. I was so anxious to begin a true miniature that Dec 28th while visiting Edna I started trimming the 1.5" squares for mini tumbler blocks. I decided it was going to be totally hand pieced and hand quilted. Well I'd finished it and forgot to post, done now (8.5 x 11.25"). I didn't even make a dent in the baggie!  

8.5 x 11.25" finished

Then she gave me another baggie of 1.5 to 2 inch HSTs - these will be NICU quilts (I need 400 1.75" HSTs) for sure!!! One bag needs pressing, the other I've pressed and then all to be trimmed before layout planning!

Need pressing

All pressed, need trimming

Feb 24th

Well today I had my Local Physiotherapy appointment and I really like Allison as she was very thorough in her evaluation. Then she did similar strength tests to the previous therapist BUT then concentrated on my lower back, even releasing some of the local pain. She said exercises will come in future but FIRST to deal with vertebrae pinching my sciatic nerve and strengthen those muscles before actual exercises. I told her I hate exercising and inevitably stop if I don't feel they are working. I pray these sessions are better as I need to walk unencumbered for my July Banff and BC trip!!!

Feb 25th

Today was lunch at Bah Mi King with Pat - Yummy.  Then picked up Edna and took her to get her prescription at Costco, some shopping then a very short walk in Polo Park before dropping her off and heading home.

Feb 27th

Well today I dropped off my car at Pembina Autobody n Glass for their estimate on my December rear ender, now up to 6 weeks before in for repair. They gave me a ride home and will call when they're finished and pick me up too. In the meantime, I went with Aida for a walk to the Forks for coffee and cinnamon and then back, I rested 5 times and felt I was a bit stronger so maybe these physio stretching exercises may be helping!!! Hope so!

I didn't know that 'stories' disappear after a while! That I did not want to happen. The orchid hanger (20 x 30") was the FIRST needle turned hand applique I'd done then. My intro to quilting. Then the smaller (each tumbler made from 1.5" squares) more recent is my latest 'miniature' (8.5 x 11.25") hand pieced and hand quilted wall hanging. Now not my last this is for sure!

Feb 28th

What a lovely day started out with sunshine but BBBRRRRR that wind was brutal!!! I picked up Edna, shared lunch at BP, Costco for Edna's meds and some shopping, then off to Polo Park for one round of walking and window shopping!!! Short and sweet, ending with lattes!!! Now relaxing my achy hip and ankle!!!

Awesome idea! But would our winter temps cause condensation and spoil seeds?

March 1st

Yeah, see I said I was an athlete in my younger years but this says I still am!!! 😁

March 2nd

Ahhhh it'll be a pamper day for me as I woke with pain and slow moving, was achy yesterday after lifting too much. Hopefully stretching will help!

Hey look at us, we're good waiting for treats, but can't sit still when it's meal time!!! 😃

Ohhhh and I've some cardinal and chickadee fabrics that maybe can finish up as a wall hanging something like this?

GOSH it's beautiful out there! I took my sticks and hoped to walk to the fancy house cross roads, but I could feel the pain building halfway, no benches to take a rest so headed back. Before going in I wanted to see how much the chickens grew but that was a mistake. Even staying to the sides to avoid the icy conditions my tensing trying to be careful was worse! But I saw them and yes they've grown and laying eggs too!!! Now on the heating pad while the crew are chasing around outside! Relaxing!!!

We relaxed and Lexi played outside some then all took an afternoon nap!!!

March 3rd

Well it was an iffy start, Tylenol and rub and by 10:30 I felt good enough for a short walk.  
Totally over dressed and could have worn my runners, except for the driveway!  It sure felt warmer than WC says.  So I walked about 0.7 km when my hip started up.  Came to a Stop n Trans Canada Trail sign so propped my butt against it and leaned into it, instant relief, stayed 5 minutes and lucky no one drove by!  

Then I was able to increase my steps and walked the other way till I heard 2km and turned around.  That's enough.  Now sitting on the steps letting the Crew enjoy being out too.

Now relaxing on the heating pad just incase!!!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Catchup - Feb 11th-17th

Feb 11th

Today I helped Sylvia board her tour bus, same group we went to Churchill with, on a western Canada trip to Osoyoos BC with various stops enroute and return.  She's meeting her friend Linda from Swan River in Brandon tonight and hopefully forging a lovely travel partnership!!!  Enjoy your trip, safe travels and warmer weather soon!  💞🤞💞

Feb 13th

WOW!!! And here I bought the Gismo (in my comment), prettier and that would probably work too!

I think I'm climbing out of this dang cold I've been fighting the past two weeks (surprised I've dropped 10 lbs, probably won't keep it off)! Today was the first time my stomach growled, so after lab work, I stopped at McDs for breakfast and finished a small coffee, delicious!!!  

Then once home I started prepping my fabric for Saturday's ACQ apron class. Then pulled out my selvedges and proceeded to resort them by colour instead of by lengths as I'd sorted awhile ago then realized that was useless for projects! But shoot energy levels ain't that great!

Feb 14th

Today was a full day finally and energy okay!!! Errands this morning, finished the fussy cutting for my apron class for tomorrow, a load of laundry, drafted up a different Berry Pickers pattern for Edna and made a quick supper. Relaxing now then I'll prep my snacks for tomorrow's ACQ gathering!

I've heard from Sylvia, she's enjoying her trip so far and reconnecting with some that were on our Churchill trip and today overnighter in Medicine Hat.

Feb 15th

Well it was iffy on whether I'd go to ACQ today (but I had a class plus Sylvia and I were in charge of snacks - which were just about ALL gone and there was lots) but I persevered and after a Tylenol Arthritis I started to feel better noonish. Thankfully no mistakes during my apron class and I finished it!!! 

Now at Edna's relaxing and thank you for the pictures!!! I brought borscht and ice cream she made apple crisp for our supper!  Then I'll go home to relax and watch the 4Nations hockey and Scotties recorded!!!

Hey this seems a nifty system!

Someone in my group please try this and post if it works!!! 😉

Attracting Butterflies with a Simple DIY Fruit Feeder: Benefits for Your Garden

Step 1: Prepare the Feeder
Choose a shallow dish that is easy for butterflies to access. A colorful dish can also help attract them.

Step 2: Prepare the Fruit
Cut the fruit into slices or mash it slightly to expose more surface area, making it easier for butterflies to feed on the juicy parts. Overripe fruit is particularly attractive because it is easier for butterflies to digest.

Step 3: Enhance with a Sugar Solution (Optional)
Create a simple sugar solution by mixing water with a small amount of sugar. This mimics nectar and can be especially appealing to butterflies.

Soak a sponge or cotton balls in the sugar solution and place it in the dish to keep the feeder attractive and moist.

Step 4: Set Up the Feeder
Place the feeder in a sunny, sheltered location near other butterfly-attracting elements like flowering plants or a water source. If preferred, hang the feeder by attaching a string or wire to the dish and suspending it from a tree branch or a hook. Ensure it is stable so it doesn’t swing or spill.

Step 5: Maintain the Feeder
Change the fruit regularly to prevent it from rotting and attracting unwanted pests. Clean the dish frequently to ensure it is safe and appealing to butterflies.

I know I'm finally feeling better!!!!!
Edna's apple crisp with salted carmel ice cream.  I'm sure the 10 lbs lost will be found at this rate!!!

Great nature activity with little ones!!! But be careful of poison ivy or oak!

Feb 16th

Sounds nifty!!!  I screen saved the video.

Feb 17th

So Sylvia has arrived in Osoyoos yesterday. They had snow two days in a row. Very good driver Great music and meals. She even danced twice a slow waltz (travellng with an old type dance/music group with their own band). Today is a free day to do whatever they want.

WOW!!! What you think Janice? You're the only one I know that hikes heights! 😉

This needs planting everywhere to be rid of mosquitoes then!!!!

Well I've completed the hand quilting on this miniaturized tumbler pieces quilt top. It's 8.5 x 11.25 inches and each block was cut from 1.5" squares donated by Janet Nickle of ACQ.

Now to find my 1.25" strips so I can finish the hand stitched binding! I think this may be it for hand piecing for awhile, too tedious for me! 🤗

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Catchup - Jan 30th-Feb 6th

Jan 30th

WOW it was foggy this morning!  After a couple appointments I went over to Sylvia's and did more puzzle!  This is the first time we haven't set the border first, just too difficult!  So we are setting various stars and hope to anchor in place and easier to do the border, which is exactly the same two colours and same width of edging in each piece!!!

Feb 1st

Well yesterday and today I'm fighting a horrible coughing, sore throat, plugged ears and drippy nose!!! I've been drugged up but had to go replenish my stock hopefully stopping this bug!!! Sylvia and I missed our sewing day at Assiniboine Circle Quilters and I a visit with Pat etc, as I'm sicko but not Covid thank goodness!!! I'm definitely on shaky ground and glad my shopping was quick!!! In and out!!!

Nothing but watching the backlog of hockey, eyes too teary for stitching, a little puzzle setting but slow going!!!

Feb 2nd

Damn I thought I was feeling better this morning! Nope, feeling weak but with lessened coughing, sneezing and drippy nose BUT my sciatic in both hips is acting up! Enough already!!!!!

Feb 3rd

Well my head is clearing some so worked a bit more on the puzzle. Slowly but surely it's getting there.

Feb 4th

Well this cold is winding down but today was hell with the sciatic, even the new lotions and Tylenol Arthritis did not help today. And today I needed to drop off my car for some repairs.

Well all I can say is Urban Garage staff are awesome! Cole I think, after my checking about a ride home but basically not offered, he ran out the door to stop my limping way to the bus on my sticks. He asked where exactly I needed to go, could I wait till another client arrives and he could give me a ride home! He brought me to tears and I said thank you I will gladly wait for a ride. See I wasn't even sure how close I could get to home and how far I'd need to walk afterwards! So a couple hours before the shop closed, I phoned to see if I should start out to the bus and hope to make it in time. WELL he needed to pick up a client and wanted me to wait and he'd pick me up shortly! I am so thankful! Some Tim's in their future!!!

Then talk about an awesome surprise to see Cindy standing there (I needed that hug), her baby for an oil change, and we chatted till they wanted my payment! 🥰

I needed a few groceries afterwards but talk about torture! This was a first time I've sat on the lower section of the cart as I could not stand on shaky legs twice before finished.

Once home I relaxed, had supper and then finished off the puzzle. Sadly two pieces are missing!

Feb 6th

Well I stopped into MPI after the two close to threatening letters demanded I show up. So I did and yes I'll lose my merits even though it was not much of an "accident" but she filed and I am responsible. It took maybe 20 minutes, 6 or so photos taken and out he came with my claim info of $1,400 repair to my license plate holder, slight scratches I didn't see on paint and disconnected plastic grill filler to be replaced! Hmmmm, now to decide whether to get it fixed or not, $200 deductible will be charged if so. He said I may as well get it fixed. Will see!

Nice to meet Sylvia for lunch!  Then home to relax and a load of laundry too!

OMGG talk about a walk down memory lane today!!! See I got a call from an excoworker from mega years ago, from Laura of Technical Services Branch/Farm Machinery Board and at that time I think I was with Economics Branch, but all part of Manitoba Agriculture! WOW!!! Not sure why, but she found the "icing corsage" I made for her baby shower in April 1983, along with her note. WOW!!! So one day we'll meet up for lunch, but she's a better recall of work name changes etc than I do! I still can't believe this! Not bad for 40+ years!!! Well cared for!!!