Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19th - Farewell to Nestor

OMGG!!! ❤️ I just checked my calendar, phone and texts to see when I last spoke to Nestor! I called inviting him to meet for coffee Sunday July 7th noonish but he declined, then after I got home 3ish I texted him asking to meet when it's good for him! OMGG!!! 💞

"Rest in Peace"

Nestor Thedor Lulashnyk

July 18, 1946 – July 14, 2024

After the service I stopped at Kildonan Park, Nestor's favourite walking place and paid tribute to the OLD tree he showed us girls many times. Dummy here didn't bring birdseed - honest I'll pick some up and do so every time we walk here! The sun was shining too!

Now at the luncheon with friends (about a dozen came from our combined offices) and hopefully meeting his three daughters too! 

Yes I did meet his girls and two recognized me after all these years!  Also with Halyna's granddaughter's interpretation I introduced myself to her and she said Nestor told her we'd meet up after the wedding!  So sad!!!

Update on the yard today! Both sides of the ditch have water and the lake between properties is much lower! Guess the blisters on both thumbs was worth it! Hopefully with this week's predicted hot weather, all this water logged areas will dry up!

Today - July 19th

Yesterday  - July 18th

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