Thursday, July 18, 2024

Catchup - July 13th-18th

July 13th

 Okay I loosened my tension and tatted a slightly bigger and easier joins of #41 of Four Dozen Tatted Snowflakes by Robin Perfetti snowflake with my choice to add beads to picots. I'm sure it'll be better with each one completed this next month.

Left is first as per pattern.  Middle is my adding beads but yet smaller than the first one.  Right is more relaxed tension and loads easier with slightly bigger joining picots.  Yes a lovely snowflake for sure!

OMGG something is brewing Winnipeg South!!!

South of the house.

North of the house over Winnipeg.

Over the house between.

Sort of east looking to southern half of Winnipeg.

July 14th

OMGG THOSE BANGERS WERE TOO DAMN CLOSE!!! It lit up the house then promptly shook it!!! We three huddled for half hour till the worst passed over. Trees still standing. Now steady rain. YOWSERS!!!

It was nice out on the deck earlier but the dogs were antsy so in for lunch and more tatting. Now they are zonked out beside me on the couch!

I guess they are telling me it's supper time and I should step on it???? 🤣🤣🤣

July 15th

Ahhhh come on now! Please whomever is in charge, please turn off the water taps!!! I love the cooler temps but these clouds coming after a night of rain is enough already!!!  

Hmmm after changing their pool water, which was doubled the amount after all the rain since last fill was tough to empty. Then half hour later winds picking up and temp dropped too but it says 18C now, I don't believe that.

They love this area but I'm not venturing out to see what's there.

She's so cute in the flowers!

Went chasing after something that slunk through the fence into the yard, I'm hoping only the neighbour's cat.

July 17th

OMGG!!! Today I finally was able to connect my Google maps with my hands free through the car system!!! What like 6 years now and a gazillion attempts, even Byran, phone whiz, tried a few years back and no dice! Today it just worked first try!!! DAH!!!

So I dropped Edna off at home near Sturgeon Road on Portage Ave and in my contacts clicked on Taunya's address. It showed around the Perimeter or cross country via Charleswood which said 15 minutes. Yeah right, it 4pm! Well 20 minutes later and very little traffic I pulled into her driveway! WOW!!! Impressed!!!

I pray this phone, Google maps and my car are in sync in future when needed again!!!!!! 😍

July 18th

I'm very sorry to have lost a dear friend recently! I knew you weren't feeling your usual self as you weren't walking your daily 10 or more kms! Definitely I'll miss our occasional walks in Kildonan Park or Place depending on the weather and seasons with Edna and sometimes Michelle, also our Tim's coffee and phone chats, OHHH and the bingo games with Mary and sometimes Adrian from work too! I was surprised but yet happy to hear you were planning to marry Halyna, so glad you had this happiness again! 💞 "Rest in Peace"

Nestor Thedor Lulashnyk

July 18, 1946 – July 14, 2024

It's soooo lovely having breakfast on the deck and soon I'll break out my tatting too! It's not really hot and the breeze is lovely. The dogs have enjoyed early pool dips too! Usually Princess doesn't like getting wet, guess she's getting used to the water logged yard, so may as well enjoy the pool too? I'm thinking if it continues to rain they'll be growing webbed paws or I might have to find them rubber boots??? BUT it's a clear beautiful blue sky and no clouds day!!!

Sheeeesh! Not sure what happened but there was a very very loud bang from behind the neighbour's on the highway. Scared the HELL out of me. The dogs even jumped and were barking! BUT no sirens!
Hey this is the second time Bubba's been in and the most aggressive splashing! Love seeing them play in it!

Okay this is an interesting day! The morning was spent on the deck with the dogs, then lunch inside. I then dressed against mosquitoes and my winter felted rubber boots and ventured out to try and dig the remaining 6 foot channel to the ditch. The neighbour Steve drove over on his riding mower (sorry he couldn't help me out as he hurt his back hauling rock around his firepit yesterday) but said I was getting it moving. Taunya had opened up most of the water logged area and hopefully I've done the rest. The water started moving right away but I needed to rest and water so didn't stick around. I'll check tomorrow and see what else needs to be done! This is two pictures joined to show the water build-up.

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