Thursday, July 18, 2024

Catchup - July 4th-13th

July 4th

I went for a bit of a walk to check out the garden and possibly where her chicken coop will be built.  Then turned and walked to the road and saw this lovely sky!  It's so peaceful out here.  But mosquitoes are picking on me!!!

July 6th

Not a good start to my day! AND when it happened the Crew scattered to the livingroom and stayed there till I cleaned it all up and changed their water bowl! SMART!!!
See I went out ninish for breakfast onto the deck, OFF lantern on first, then ventured out with my slightly cracked tray (happened during unpacking - should have trashed it then) and settled for hopefully the rest of the morning! NOPE, NADA, NO SIREEEE!!! I just picked up my cereal when a couple mosquitoes bussed near my ears! Shooed them away and others followed so had to put the cereal down, moved the lantern to a different place BUT no luck. So retrayed my stuff and headed indoors, the dogs passing by me. Guess I didn't check which end I was holding as two steps into the sunroom it cracked in half with cereal and meds (all accounted for) sailing onto the floor and water bowl. Thank GOD the bowl didn’t break! What a mess and took awhile to clean up!  
UGH!!! Glad I'm not cutting any fabric today!!!

HMMMMM guess Mother Nature is not going to skip over us this evening like previous storms. Thunder is getting louder and rumbling but no rain yet. But it's getting darker and only 6:30pm. Crew was just out so hopefully it'll pass over before they need outside again or I'll have to block them in the sunroom and towel down. Will see!

Overhead west of the house.

Out the North facing window. 

HMMMMM 6:45ish that batch of thunder shook the house!!! Sounds like it's to the north of here. And more sets of rumbling. Hurry up and pass over please!!!

UPDATE: 7:40pm - well it made a lot of noise but that's it here!

South kinda clear.

Trees with sun shining through north side of house.

North darkening.

July 11th

Well after stopping at Cdn Tire for my Thermacell on sale for $31.99 and Walmart 48 pack refills for $32.99 (slightly cheaper than CT) I headed out to Edna's for some stitching and company. So finished the Snowflake #41 with beads added to picots, but why is it smaller than the first one? Gotta loosen my tension!!!

In the process of untangling my shuttles I dropped one down the side of her recliner and somehow lost one of my 1/8" magnets from inside my shuttle. Okay so upended the chair magnet stick in hand and no sign of any loose metal. Then Edna asked if maybe it's inside the other half, DUH there it was, so once home I'll have to glue it back in place!! Now out to Sals for supper!  
Update: on our way out of Sals Edna noticed this tiny bunny, no bigger than my cupped hand for sure, zoomed out so looks bigger! It was alone!

July 13th

Well all's quiet till someone during Blue Jays game speaks up excitedly and these two stir and bark sharply!!!! Earlier today I didn't watch closely and Bubba came back in with muddly patches all over that I had to clean up! And he was just groomed yesterday!!! I better keep a close eye on him so he doesn't play in the water patches in low areas!

OHHHHH a beautiful day so far, I love the breeze and have my Thermacell on just in case as I already was bitten yesterday.  
Breakfast under the umbrella, thank you Taunya!!! The morning is the best temperature wise for me! And look Dahli was in the changed pool water too! Now if only we can train Bubba to wash the mud off him first then come in!!!

I'm relaxing in the gravity lounger on the deck under the moving shade of the umbrella! What more could I ask for? Well maybe a bar waiter???

OMGG it's not an easy thing to tat with beads and listening to a British Isles nature documentary, too warm now outside. Especially when these two react to some sounds, animal movements or whatever triggers them and they start barking and jumping off and on the couch! Hopefully I don't land up dumping my items!!!

Young eagle trying to catch a goose.

He's determined and has them excited.

Ohhhh I thinks I'll have my hands full with these two and muddy patches! Sadie next door was spotted and ZOOM both went right through it straight for her! This time on return I used the pool to clean both off, sure will get my exercise. These something like dragonflies but lots smaller were flying around like crazy but the breeze did not help! Once inside without issues it was treat time and relaxing again!

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