Thursday, February 29, 2024

Catchup - Feb 20th-29th

Feb 20th

Dang, after lunch Edna and I went for a walk in the Outlet Mall as neither was dressed for the cool wind. Needless to say my hip is still bothering me after those two slips on ice couple weeks ago. It's not hindering my morning exercises but definitely walking. Hmmm I hope the walking sticks will help for next week's nature walk! Will see!

Feb 22nd

Hmmmm might try this but first will ensure the hole is smooth, maybe glue rubber band inside.

Today I met Nancy and together we went to Cibo's for supper. It's been at least 4 years since I was last here. Now both of us ordered appetizers instead of main dishes and that was lots! Delicious too! We ended the meal with a cappuccino for Nancy and a chai latte for myself. We might meet up again before she returns to Mississauga.

Feb 23rd

Well I'm over visiting the Crew and after a few restless shenanigans they are snoozing together. I'm achy from coming and going and maybe the cooler temps, but hopefully will feel better for my Birds Hill walk next week.

Dang, dang, dang!!! It's that time of the year with hockey, curling and now spring season baseball!!!! Guess the PVR will be busy!!!

Feb 24th

Taking a break from my quilt blocks sewing to have supper with Pinot Grigio and watching some Jets hockey!


Feb 25th

Well I'm glad it was not a huge dump that's for sure!!! The first outing was over the snow which Lexi hated and was quick to be back inside! But my morning was busy clearing off the deck with many supervisors and uncooperative Wheels who waited till the shovel was close to him!!! 😄 Sam was next I and the Bernese till the end of my chore. 

But hmmmm these dumps obliterate the road so glad I'm not going anywhere till Thursday. 

I was a bit worn out and 8am breaky worn off so a 10ish coffee and one slice toast, PB and jam to calm the fatigue! 😉

Feb 25th

Here's what 2 days of sewng has produced, 24.5" square so far. I started with the MPQ Sew-in day but had to leave as my hip pain was bad and had to relax instead. Now those tiny 3/4" finished HSTs were sewn together earlier on from cut off triangles of previous projects, I just incorporated them into my own design for another NICU top. I still have to figure out borders, tomorrow's project maybe.

Well this definitely relates to my quilting! But I'm working on my a few UFOs in quilting and lately adding in my Sashiko kits (tonnes fewer than quilting)! Soon will have to decide on maybe trying to sell some projects as kits or completed items, but that's not yet!

Feb 27th

Dang I sure hope I've more of the older white tiny leaves on white sashing fabric somewhere in my stash! As you can see I only need six pieces 1.25x5.75", so close but NOT!!! Then it's whatever borders I decide on to make the 36 or 40 inch square NICU coverlet.

HMMMM should that 1.25" white square be yellow? This is my own design and wondering if I've screwed up?

Feb 28th

Well today is much nicer and the Crew wven stayed out longer, well except Lexi. They all love eating the fresh fluffy snow!!! Even friskier inside!!!

NOW my fun begins! Yes today I'm going to remove papers then try and find my ideal placement for my 52 blocks, 52 weeks Triangles project! Stay tuned for the possible quilt top!!  

After a few blocks I remembered the spritzing and so much easier removing the papers! Thanks Pearl Braun-Dyck for that tip.

It's warming up some and I'm so thankful the neighbour cleared out the snowdrift infront of my car for tomorrow, while I cleared the steps. The Crew was out playing in the snow too. It looks beautiful with the sun shining!  

Here's the huge doggie back yard from the bedroom window plus the right side not visible which is about two bedrooms wide and twice that to the fence, lots of space for them to enjoy.

Aaahhhhh be still my beating heart!!!  

Yes Blue Jays are back!!!

Guess I'll take a break from my blocks.

Hmmmm this layout was tougher than I thought it would be AND I'm ONE block short!!!! I'll start sewing up the rows anyway after another look at it over the weekend. Then I have to decide which block I want to duplicate OR design my own?????? I really want to finish this baby so it can go get quilted!!! YOWSERS!!!

??? Or I remove one short row from the left side and build onto the top longer row, then I'll need THREE blocks to complete! UGH!!!

This was changed to #2

This was changed to #3

Feb 29th - Happy Leap Year

Not having a good day hip wise, weather or what the cause?  I was to join Janice and Cindy for a walk in Birds Hill and lunch at Pineridge Hollow but it was snowing more than here in Pinawa so glad it was cancelled.  Then as the day continued, the power went out very briefly and all restarted.  

So I continued with removing the one-way zipper on my newer spring/fall jacket replacing it with a two-way zipper.  Let me tell you, next time I'm only buying jackets with two-way zippers!!!!  That was just too painfull a task!  But once washed and scotch guarded again it'll be ready for spring!!!

Watching baseball and kinda wishing I was in Florida!!!

Well I rearranged the 9th row into a vertical column on top, but after some calculating I still need a 9th row. So that's TEN more blocks needed. So I'll go through the 53 in the file and pick 10 and make some adjustments for the new blocks. Who knows I'll maybe redo this again before satisfied.

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