Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Catchup - July 27th-Aug 1st

July 27th

Damn this flu/cold! This body sure knows when the recommended time to take the meds is nearing cause the last hour is torture coughing spells! Even at 2:30am!!!! So now relaxing after salt water gargle for the sore throat and lovely honey/milk Chai tea to soothe me too. I'm up way too early but now scared to sleep through my appointments. Hopefully I'll crash for an afternoon snooze!!!

Oh it was a long day, first my Chiropractic appointment then picked up lunch to have with Sylvia. Then drove her to her surgeon's follow-up appointment, which he was mega late for and I was running out of stamina and coughing. Yes I was masked and covered my cough. I'm home, medicated and feet up, hopefully a nap!!!

July 29th

Well guess I'm starting to feel better. I'm seeing things around here differently and realized I hadn't posted my "Glad you're back" gift from Pat! She's a sweetie and had me close to crying when I opened it. A lovely 6" cross stitched quilted wall hanging!

July 30th

YEAH finally I know I'm starting to kick this flu/cold out of my system. A whole week of heavy dry just about continuous coughing and chills was long enough.  Now my coughs are not as severe, shorter and definitely less frequent (unless someone makes me laugh) and finally sneezing and blowing the crud outta me!!!!  

And I'm thinking of getting my pictures together for the scrapbook so I know I'm feeling better, not 100%, but not desperate. Ohhh and McDs iced coffee and burger was delicious yesterday - 4 weeks since the last one!!!

July 31st

Look what I received from Inga M from Denmark for this quarters Fringe Tatters tatting exchange! It is so delicate looking done in Lizbeth size 20, pattern(?) by Tina Frauberger 1917. I'll be slipping it into a protective sleeve before using as a bookmark.

"For this exchange, a couple of people have suggested a bookmark. Regardless of the season, many of us like to curl up with a good novel or a book full of patterns.
What better way to carefully keep your place than with a tatted bookmark? This has so many possibilities. One idea is to take an older edging pattern and double it back on itself to make a lovely piece, just remember to adjust going around corners or make 2 flat pieces and join them as you work the second side - you'll need picots. Or you could use 2 colours to create an interesting piece. There are patterns available for bookmarks or you could experiment with a flat edging. While you're creating your exchange item, you might want to make a second or third piece to have on hand as a gift."

Aug 1st

Well I KNOW I'm on the mend! Had a better sleep last night till I woke with a coughing fit and thunder! Took more cough meds and back to bed till 11ish!!!! Guess I needed that after the numerous coughing fits the night before!

Ohhhhh and a better gauge is I'm tatting with feet up AND even figured out how to turn back on myself without doing front side and back side tatting! I needed to really concentrate!

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