Friday, May 19, 2023

Catchup - May 11th-19th

May 11th

So cute and perfect gift for Moms and Grandmother's etc!

Another baby gift completed. Lovely! This time from the 1 metre cut I have the square bath towel, 3 different sized hand towels and 5 face towels.

May 13th

Lovely day for a road trip with Edna, Sylvia and Pat to Beausejour for the Common Threads Quilt Show!  Awesome quilts but only took my favs or quilting ideas.  

Very interesting border!

Very striking!

Simple but effective quilting.

Also stopped into Needle & Crafts Studio before heading to the Airliner Drive In for a bountiful and scrumptious lunch!  And talk about the decor!!!

Thank you Pat for the pictures to show our lovely day out!!!

May 16th

Not a good night or sleep in morning that's for sure!!! It started out a peaceful sleep till around 3am when street cleaning crew came around! Lasted a long time then peace and quiet finally and fell back into sleep! Seemed short lived as a tree cutting and chomping into sawdust machine started up and finally 8:30 gave up trying to sleep in!!! Then the past hour more pile driving somewhere nearby! WTH!!! All in in one day's start, not fair!!!  

Good thing I've no plans as it'll be a grumpy day!!!

SHEESH this city needs a name change from "Winterpeg" to "Holeeepeg" short for "Under Construction Winnipeg". All areas of the city has varied types of road construction from short term to very very long term types, seems to be worse each and every year! 🤔 AND add to this mess some impatient drivers and speeding, some motorcyclists/bicyclists/pedestrians who think they can just WEAVE in and out of traffic or from road to sidewalk maneuvers or back and forth - MAJOR DISASTER A-COMING!  

The other day I saw in front of me THREE motorcycles straddle the yellow line between lanes to get through whatever delay we all were in - DOUBLE SHEESH!!!!! And they wonder WHY they get hit??? I don't!!! I totally feel for the vehicle driver that didn't see this stupidity and are held responsible, very unjust!!!

On my way home today, I now see not only is east Broadway and area under construction for tree cutting which woke me up very early, but also some major road construction too! WOW!!!!!

🙏 PLEASE just take a deep breathe and be road carefull EVERYONE!!!! 🙏 Thank you!!!

I totally agree with my friend on this!

May 17th

Had a lovely visit with Angela today to celebrate her birthday!   💕 

OMGG, it's creeping closer!!!

May 18th

Ohhhh I remember May long weekend snow in my younger years!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

But I hope not this time as I've friends that have their gardens planted!!!

May 19th

Today was a good start so I called Edna and suggested a walk after a quick Costco trip.  She agreed if we stop at Shoppers for her.  YEPPERS!!!  So along with my serola belt and the new vacation walking stick off we went.  Well at 2 km I still felt good and no aches or sharp hip/ankle pains so we went a bit further then turned around.  Better safe than sorry!!!  Talk about a lovely day after the very cold temperatures yesterday, at least cold for a summer day!  I felt a bit tired at the end but getting into the car my hip started acting up and pain building up.  WHT!!!  So out again and I stretched out before heading home.  

All is A-OK even hours later!  WOW!!!!  That's a first in a very very very long time!  Guess I'll keep doing these physio exercises at least daily and sometimes twice if convenient. 

Ohhhh and a sneak peak at my next fabric postcard!  It may be awhile before I can post!

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