Thursday, April 02, 2020

March 29th - April 2nd

March 29th

Ohhhhh its been awhile since I've seen these two sweeties.  It was challenging to keep two leashes from tangling around me.  I'd seen them a couple times when visiting Tom n June and they remembered me - ahhhhhh!

Yeah I stitched up 2/3s of the second accompanying RCMP block today.  The other centre part is fussy cutting the hexies to match, not up to that today!  It's coming together nicely!  Darn I totally forgot the RCMP blocks required another border, so now complete, and need to regroup for the next step!

March 30th

Join the challenge of posting a picture of some landscape from a place where you've been, where the main requirement is that you NOT appear in it.  Just a picture, no description.  The goal is to flood profiles with landscape photos to give a twist on the situation we're going through.

Marilyn Munroe Towers, Mississauga ON

Ohhhh it was awesome to pick up Edna and go out for a decent walk abiding social distancing. We were out on the nice wide Yellow Ribbon Greenway Trail off Silver Ave and everyone that past us were also keeping their distance. That is except two young girls on bikes who zipped close by us without an adult with them - weird!  Then picked up some groceries and back home.  She was so happy for this bit of exercise as it's been at least 6 weeks since we've walked, first pet sitting and then the sinus infection keeping me grounded!

March 31st

WOW!  I was just telling Edna that hopefully this all clears for a cabin visit this summer! Looks inviting!

Thank you Barb for joining me for happy hour today.  I didn't think of getting a picture of you but here's what my side was like!  First glass of wine in a month!!!  Yes I wasn't 100% for awhile!  Even my Texas tshirt on to celebrate!

It's been awhile I actually cooked a complete meal!  Chardonnay too, shoot I should have bought a bottle today!

April 1st

It is with much sadness on the passing of my girlfriend's Dad, Ralph, this past week!  He was very involved with his family, friends and especially his community and will be greatly missed!  Loads of virtual hugs to Angela and her Mom Joan in comfort!  Sincere sympathies to all the family!

April 2nd

Yesterday I was tatting my practice pieces for the Onion Rings technique.  I think I've got it figured out!
 First off was Aster a floral edging (bottom right) from "Contemporary Tatting" by Judith Connors - not to my liking at all.
Second was Vidalia, the Sweet Onion Angel (top left) Georgia Seitz collaborated with Hope Green and Lenore English for the Onion Ring class - few issues but turned out OK.
Third is the basic motif (bottom left) from "Die Schiffchenarbeit", book review page 7, pattern #1.
Fourth is the curved edging (top right) from "Die Schiffchenarbeit", book review page 1, pattern #11.
I think I'll try that angel again!

OMGG yesterday evening it was pouring rain and this morning it's winter again!

Yeah but then it's Winnipeg - we're probably not over with winter yet!  But I honestly thought I'd not see the window ledge snowdrift again!!!!

What a lovely virtual lunch date with friends! Thank you Barb for setting this up and Dianne for joining in!  I was a bit late but made it!

Well I'm exhausted from spending 2 hours sorting through my years of accumulation of Canadian Quilt Swapper 6.5 inch charms swapped with members!  Then another 2-3 hours cutting out the first set of pieces!  I'm resting now and maybe will start sewing after supper!  Plus I needed something easy to swap off and on from the "matching" nightmare on the RCMP blocks!  Oh well as long as I don't dwell day after day, I'll get through it mucho easier and faster!  😉😉😉
See I'm a little slow getting started on Melissa's Mystery Quilt Along - yeah I know - don't I have enough projects on the go?  But see she gave instructions to use up scraps and I think this a perfect project to dig into that large bag of charms and come out with a charity quilt AND maybe even some quilting practice????   ðŸ¤žðŸ¤žðŸ¤ž

Here's my fabrics!  The centre square will be my "pop" fabric!  A floral- nature theme here!

Ohhh forgot to post this earlier!  Seems this "no social gatherings" and no place to go etc is putting some pressure on me to spruce this apartment up some!  I've hung a few of my quilt projects and even got some boxes ready for sewing room cleanup in the days ahead! Never know maybe this staying home business (besides my walks on nicer days) will produce a purged home for me!!!!

Just hung these up, they all have their shadows on, next is the cream sashings, but on hold now till RCMP quilt top is completed.  So decided to hang it so I can see it! 

This is as close as you'll get to my sewing room!

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