Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Catchup - Oct 24th-Nov 1st

Oct 24th

I'm pooped!  That thunderstorm last night disturbed me and I'm still out of sorts today.  I've been achey for a few too many days lately too, I think I'm going to alternate walking days, even short daily walks aren't easy!  

So a lazy day cutting my pieces in splits sessions with relaxing between, for this weekend's quilting session.  Will be nice to sew together again!  Might have a new Christmas table topper for myself or maybe sell or gift it!

Oct 25th

I like this rationale!

What an awesome idea!!!!! I see lots of kids excited when they find painted rocks in the park, so I hope this goes over well too. I'd put each into tiny baggies to separate paints from foods with maybe a short note of greeting and hoping they enjoy their rock as I did painting it??? 🎃🎨👌

Well I had tried a funky variation over the summer but since I'm a wash n go girl styling and curling daily just didn't happen. So thank you Adele for the back to fast n easy for me again!

The weight is gone!!!

Ohhhhh my the grey is sure showing up here! 

Oct 26th

DANG, 7:30am wake up is WAY TO DANG EARLY!!!! Sheesh it's still dark out!

Oct 29th

What a lovely day! Thank you Carolynn for hosting some of the Agriculture/Policy book group and a few extras! So great to see coworkers and retirees again! Then with Edna and Pat at Sylvia's for a special Christmas table topper sewing weekend. You'll see pictures tomorrow as Edna and I aren't finished. Sylvia and Pat simplified the last borders so finished their's off after supper. But I do have show and tell!!!  

Remember we were together in September at Cliff Lake for a quilting vacation? And Edna chose to use some of my denim pieces for a raggy cushion top? Well she showed us today her awesome finished cushion!!! Looks great on Sylvia's chair! Now us three want to make one too!!!!!

September at Cliff Lake.

Today at Sylvia's. 

Oct 30th

Well I've had a lovely weekend quilting with Sylvia, Pat and Edna on the same Christmas project! My sister and niece simplified their's by leaving off the piddly time consuming 4.5" corner stars. 

Sylvia's first one.


Whereas Edna and I persevered in agony to the end and as we used my stash, we played with fabric placement more beforehand.

Edna's, full pattern, Grey's and blues.

Mine, full pattern.

Ohhh and Sylvia was so speedy, she made a second one besides helping her daughter and Edna too. 

Sylvia's second one.

I was pokey as I ventured out for a coworkers gathering thus falling behind but we stayed later this evening to finish them off.  I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ them all!!!

"Starshine" by Julie Weaver found in the Christmas 2022, Merry Quilted Christmas, Quilter's World magazine.

Oct 31st

I know I've posted this before but I STILL love this hanger!

Nov 1st

Ohhhhh what an awesome walk and visit at Pineridge Hollow with Cindy and Janice today! 

Cindy adding seeds to Janice's head!

They came too!!!

Then they started to swarm and dive!

Thank you ladies even if my hip slowed you down some. It was fun with the chickadees again. 

Also thank you for introducing me to Nuburger!!! Talk about yummy!!! 

Yummy but didn't taste the alcohol!!!

Handcrafted beer bar inside with Nuburger.

Now have my own at home with cranberries(?).  🤗

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