Your Preference Please
OK I'm back briefly to ask for your assistance please. I've made up various pincushions for these saucers but just am lost as to which I really prefer. So I'm letting my friends help me out here, if you would like too that is.
So here are four different saucers and a number of pincushions for each - in sets A, B, C and D with numbers of each set labeledwithin the pictures - along with a top and side view. You can either leave me a comment with your LETTERS and NUMBERS choices here or you can jot your choices down and then email me with the LETTERS and NUMBERS. I would appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
Set A |
Set B |
Set C |
Set D |
And don't feel bad about not liking any of my choices for Set D as I myself am having a rough time choosing for this saucer myself and might have to take suggestions???
A3, B3, C3 and D1. Yes I have studied them and those are the combinations I'd choose. Mind it's difficult doing it from photographs. I read earlier how you made them and it's SUCH a great idea. Doubt I'll ever get 'roundtoit' but I can dream.
A3,B3, C3, 4D
Thats' my 2cents worth... Darlene in MI
I like b1, b2, and b3 the best.
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