Saturday, January 06, 2018


Friday I was out most of the day with Edna and supper with Florence and Wayne before they went to the Jets game.  I bused it back to the condo to watch the Jets and record the Jrs gold medal game.   Well I settled down with a glass of wine and promptly Hamish jumped onto my lap - guess that's his way of saying you're not going out again!!!!

Saturday Catchup!

YOWSERS!!!  Not sure what's going on out there but I'm kicking myself for not going for a walk this morning when it was descent before these winds started blowing!  Oh well I spent the morning doing laundry and surfing for desired tatting patterns for this next week to knot up!

The wind was howling out there.

Would make me a lovely lapel pin.
Pattern seems complicated - will see. 

Need small hearts for as payment of membership to a Cdn tatting group!
YES maybe one year I'll get to attend their conference and take classes.

Donating some edging and medallions for a quilt!  It's happening in the USA so I've asked the organizer to choose my 2 blocks and send me a picture so I can choose colours and designs to tat up.  Then I'll send them to her and she'll stitch them on them on for me.  Save postage and time!

For myself - maybe a bracelet?

Yes it was a very quiet day!  Basic housekeeping including combing Hamish then tried to wipe his weepy eye - didn't succeed except for me getting covered in MORE hair.  He took off and thought he was hiding!  LOL!!!!  Basically avoided me till just now when he crawled into my lap.  Guess shutting off the fireplace he wasn't as warm in his chair alone anymore!  Yes a very relaxed day!

LOL!!!  I can see you!!!

Relaxing afternoon!

I LOVE this pose!

You've finally forgiven me?

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