Sunday, December 03, 2017

CP Holiday Train - Part 1

And all pooped out!  That Janice has the energy of her very young grandchildren!!!!!!  Marilyn and I with Janice enjoyed the CP Holiday Train very much especially Colin James and Emma-Lee but could have had less political verbage.  This was another first event for me - some years back there were a few train cars with exhibits in them BUT not like this.  AWESOME!

Not far from Janice's but the crystal like sparkles don't show up in the picture. 

We're eagerly waiting! 

It's a coming!
The kids nearby are getting excited. 


The stage car. 

We're waiting!

It's happening! 



Colin James

She's happy and dancing the whole time! 


Santa had to get into the act too! 

Butt end along with the train end too! 

Now Janice has us walking back to the front engine again! 

Good too as I can get the cars with sayings in proper order now.   "Canadian Pacific"

"Holiday Train"

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