Saturday, December 23, 2017

I've gone to the dogs!!!

After supper update!

Well I've had my first cold weather scare.  Bella was outside a good 20 minutes and even treats would not coax her in.  Finally I broke down and started barking behind the partially closed door freezing and the two inside started barking and in she ran.  Grabbed her treats an stood by the door to go out again.  So I coaxed her to the couch where she's sleeping.  I'm frozen and glad she has Bailey's in the fridge and I baked apple crisp.  Hope I warm up or might have to find a blanket.


Well I'm settled in with the crew and WOW Wheeler the youngest pup 10 mths now is the largest dog and Griffin 16 mths is the smallest - but all are still big!!!  Jakie the new cat was keeping me company during my late lunch.  I'll get pics of the dogs when all together soon.

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