Monday, June 17, 2024

Catchup - May 27th-31st

May 27th

I can now post the finished and  gifted placemats.  Brunch at Smitty's with Tannis who was thrilled that I added Micky in the corners to watch over Minnie!!!  And she made me homemade fruit jam, butter and marmalade in exchange.  Win-win!!!  And hopefully we'll meet again even for coffee!

May 28th

A quiet day and a visit with some goldfish. I even got to feed them but they are skittish and waited for the current to bring the food towards their cave like area. Ohhhh look who came to check me out and tried to get some too!

Update: I've sewn up 5 of the 9 rows together today. Might finish up this week.

I'm finally working sewing up my Scrappy Triangles blocks into rows!

May 29th

WOW!!! Has the Assiniboine River ever come up lately!!!

May 30th

Thank you Janice for posting this story which I screenshot to share with family and friends!

OMGG what the heck! A few days ago I was leaning over the toilet turning the tub taps to wash a large object. Stupid me did not take care and hurt my back ribs. I was in pain whenever I turned or leaned over but no problem breathing or coughing, thought I pulled a muscle so used heat. So today at my Chiro appointment she told me I had one rib not sitting right and another lower one slightly out too. I can tell you it hurt but after treatment then heat off and on it feels better.

May 31st

What a lovely day after yesterday's on again off again downpour! This is the furthest the goldfish have ventured to my feeding! Now on the deck visiting the pugs!!! Hope I remember the routine tomorrow so I can get them gated and out to my meeting!!!

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