Monday, June 17, 2024

Catchup - June 8th-17th

June 8th

Today I worked on the two inner borders on my HSTs blocks quilt top. I can tell you I was very uncertain of the gold print that I totally loved when I saw and bought at Marshall's on sale!!! While sewing it on I thought it clashed badly but continued and after picture taking I've decided I LOVE it! It's lots better in person. It's on and tomorrow I'll do the last 6" green and the top will be complete!!! Then off to Night Owl Quilting, and using my $100 MPQ retreat prize towards the interesting quilting Lori will do.

June 9th

First off thank you again Kathy for posting this “Year of Scrappy 52 Triangle Foundation” project and Liz's encouragement to finish it for a possible group showing, my top at least is DONE!!!

I've plans now for a twin bed sized quilt for myself for future retreats! So I’d caught up on my one-a-day paper pieced 52 Scrappy Triangles blocks started late, February 1st, 2023! I’m not sure I like my selected colours but I’m using my scraps, not going into my stash! Here are the 52 blocks, plus the bonus block, plus an additional varied designs 10 blocks finished off with Kona Evergreen bought with my virtual retreat gift card for KTR!

Now initially I decided on a finished 6" outer border but might come down to 4.75" to kinda match the width of the inside green paths plus binding. This quilt was full of delimmas, but glad I persevered and now I just want it quilted by Night Owl Quilting & Dye Works and onto other UFOs!!!

After finishing my last border on my scrappy triangles quilt, I decided I needed some exercise! So off to Edna's for a walk along her beautiful balcony view of Sturgeon Creek pathway but she wanted to check a side path. I agreed but dang there were no benches and my hip/leg was giving me major grief until we came upon Superstore on Portage Ave and a bus stop bench. Once I'd rested I was good for the last little bit back to her new apartment and my car!!! I'm not taking that route again!!!

I hadn't set my tracker but it still counted the steps and time which was 3,154 steps in 33 minutes, a short walk but still good!!!

June 10th

GO OILERS GO!!!!! 🏒🏒🏒

Photo credit to Karen Balak.

Lovely overcast day for photos! I know I should have taken the tulip ones earlier BUT even now they still are beautiful!!!

June 11th

Yeah!!! I've finally picked up my tatting again! Now to figure out where to join with clear beads??? I also need to be more uniform in my picots of four different sizes in this pattern.

June 12th

That's the closest I've seen them before they skitter away to the rock cave. Obviously enjoying the sunshine to.

Now I joined Aida and her friend for a walk to the Forks and back. Beautiful day!!!

Then supper out with Sylvia meeting Florence and her friend from Dauphin.

Ohhhh that's exactly what I'm dealing with now but it's selvedges I'm sorting by lengths. Hopefully finished soo and ones not interesting are going to doggie bed usage! 😉

June 14th

What a busy couple days, running errands, sewing. My baby gift was unusual, thinking it was for a boy so I chose brown (not impressed) but actually too dark I think. And today the Assiniboine Circle Quilters end of year gathering and block of the month reveal. The group potluck was awesome. The reveal was great with 16 on display, flimsies to quilted. I don't have pictures as I was in that lineup too. Show n tell was also lovely too.

June 15th

HOLY CRAPPOLA!!!! Oilers 8-Panthers 1???

I think it was Florida's letting Edmonton win in the beginning to get next game and cup back in Florida. But it backfired - and now adrenaline for Oilers to hopefully regain the drive to win again and back to Edmonton!!!  


June 16th

For all those AV lovers!!!

June 17th

What a great idea!!!!

What a LOVELY day Sylvia and I had!!! Awesome weather and our checking furniture stores for chairs for both of us was rewarding, yep a great day!!! So first stop was J&S discount but zippo, then next door to Leon's where I've found my recliner but was told to wait till Thursday or Friday for 20% off sale!!! Then over to Dufresne, no recliners in small size for us, BUT my March found accent chair was now reduced like $400 and discontinued, so I bought it and will pick a new one up on Wednesday from the warehouse. I feel awesome!!! Then over to LazyBoy and there Sylvia found a floor model rocker/recliner on sale too and hopefully we'll pick up soon.

Leons Grayson recliner
Dufresne Bethany accent chair

Then over to Olive Garden for our yummy soup, salad and breadsticks, totally worth it after the shopping!!! Oh and McDs ice cream cone for dessert!!!

Now to get my 2 year old reclining loveseat out of here before fall when I get my recliner delivered!!!

Then over to the goldfishes home to return their keys and what a nice surprise to receive one of her kiln turned treasures to remind me of those pond visits. WOW, thank you Heather!

Catchup - June 1st-8th

June 2nd

Ohhhh it rained enough the other day for some water to collect in their pool for splashing! Dahli even joined in briefly!

Weird! I was texting Taunya and both jumped onto the couch looking out the window. Then immediately jumped down onto my lap! 😀

DAMN DAMN DAMN I hate lightning followed immediately with loud thunder plus increased slanted downpour! DAMN heart racing!!!

UPDATE: Owner emailed that fish are OK without the fountain so I feel better. The surrounding trees are shedding and thus would need constant cleaning to keep it aesthetically pleasing. Good to know!

Oh oh!!! Not sure what's happening but this was the lovely goldfish pond that I love to sit and listen to its soothing sounds while feeding them, taken May 30th. Today it's barely trickling and I'm very concerned. Needless to say I've a call in for the son to come see and he says he'll clear the blockage! I hope so! At least they've had fresh rainfall!!!! 🙏🙏🙏

May 30th lovely musical sound.

June 1st quite a bit less

June 2nd, barely a trickle.  YIKES!!!

June 4th

Dang, first off I don't have Amazon Prime and no intentions of paying just to have better customer service, which should first no matter what, so please no comments on that.

I finally gave in and ordered footwear and was thinking outerwear too but glad I didn't. I was totally shocked at the return postage for the sandals as per Amazon Return items instructions. No I didn't go through all the clicks to read the return policy before ordering, it shouldn't be so convoluted to begin with. Once contact with Amazon afterwards I'm in volleying contact with the seller who now says I could have returned it to their local store (not sure Winnipeg has one) free of charge! I flipped out - that should have been the FIRST item under Return Item!!!!!!!  

So will see in 3-5 days of what the result will be. BUT for sure I'm not ordering ANYTHING online anymore unless it does not need sizing, like books etc!!! I don't care what kind of savings online is!!!!! I've learnt my lesson for sure!!!

UPDATE:  Purchase price has been returned and the other day received confirmation that my return postage will be refunded soon!

June 6th

Yeah I've finally sewn the blocks in rows AND I think it's as planned.

Yeah the rows of blocks were sewn together too! It measures now as 43 x 54.5" - I had added in 10 extra varied blocks of original ones to fit. I really can not believe how evenly this had sewn up together, lots of bias edges, lots of pinning and step by step pressing to help in this end result. There will be 3 borders yet to be cut and sewn on. It's soon going to be finished. I love it and good as this is MY BABY for retreats.

Once again I bought an MPQ Quilt Reflections 2025 Challenge Quilt wall hanging kit! AND not two hours home my idea percolated and Googled inspirations saved with notes on how it might evolve and fabrics etc! This brain will probably not rest now, but want to get started on it! Ohhhh the theme is Transportation but I'm skewing this quite a bit!!! Here's the kit fabrics (can add 5 more) and talk about coincidence, I've the bubbles fabric in various colours to play with too!

June 7th

OMGG!!! I'm tickled pink as Leanne called to chat about our joint vacation in July 2025! The plans are falling into place and dates locked in and they are booking both excursions and all transfers for us to ensure we're together. As soon as they have the costs I'll square up! 😉

July 8th - they arrive from Australia in Calgary

July 9th - I travel to Calgary

July 10th-13th - we're in Banff sightseeing including a bus tour of Mountain Lakes and Waterfalls 

July 13th-14th - on the Rocky Mountaineer Adventure, gold level, overnight in Kamloops

July 14th-17th - we're in Vancouver together sightseeing 

July 15th - we're ferrying to Victoria for a City and Butchart Gardens Tour 

July 17th - I return home

July 18th - they return home

OOOOHHHHHH I'm getting excited and this time I'm taking my two stronger walking sticks!

June 8th

Ohhhh I've missed posting some pics!

June 5th enjoyed music from this bird, the fish even a pelican in the local pond.

June 6th MPQ a few of the quilters' display that caught my scrappy ideas eye and the blue one is 2025 Quilt Raffle prize.

2025 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt

June 7th OMA's Fire Hall Outdoor Quilt Show, just a few that appealed to me. A lovely day for this outing with Sylvia and Edna, ending with Peking Chinese in Edna's new apartment!

This one has quilted bees.

This was quilted with variegated thread and butterflies.

I'm making this one too but in scrappy look - awesome in planned colours. 

I've this one on my agenda too - but will try to reduce to smaller mini sized.


Triple WOW!!!

Love it!!!

Very striking!!!
Didn't think of using solids!


Love this one too!

Way too intense for me!