Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Catchup - May 16th-21st

May 16th

WOW, WOW, WOW!!!  
I don't think I've personally driven in such a heavy and steady downpour as today 4:30ish AND it even tried to hail but thankfully tiny pellets and short lived!!! It was a bit white knuckling driving out of dntn but nearing Archibald and Mission towards Transcona areas it totally eased up. The sky behind me though was very dark and threatening. Now out with the Crew it's north side sun breaking through scattered clouds, south side is dark stormy like. Weird EH!!!

Dang it's so peaceful out on this deck enjoying my coffee. I should have had my breakfast out here! Later on I'll relax out by the pit with the Crew!

Taking a break after cutting out the last two blocks for the ACQ mystery to have lunch outdoors. Crispy mini peppers!!! But Wheels and I are in the shade, the others???? I'm sure Griffin is in the shade of a tree or he'd be here too!

Well I've finally sewn up the last two blocks for the ACQ mystery. There are 8 sets of blocks in two versions of similar fabrics. And tomorrow I'll will play with the layout and start sewing up the sashing and hopefully finish borders???

May 18th

OMGG!!! Well I cut the sashings and started sewing it together. I should have stopped sewing sooner. Things were going so well until I noticed the centre column was not lining up. So "rippit" in action and finally fixed one join but then the Oilers n Canucks hockey game started so I quit for today. Got my chefs salad ready, glass of wine and now relaxing with my feet up. That is till the power flicked off but came back on sooner than later BUT the TV took its sweet time and I missed the Oilers goal.

What a beautiful morning!!! Definitely a "Rose Anne" type of summer day! Lovely breezes, birds singing, no bugs, and definitely no HEAT! I hate hot +27C and no breezes days!!!
We're all enjoying it, even if I've lots of sewing to do. Enjoyed breakfast and now my coffee in my travel mug so I can extend my stay out!!!

I'm happy I've the inside border sewn on and centre vertical just about perfect. Now I'm going to see if I've enough of the dusty rose for a 2" inner border before ending with the 3" pink.

Yeah the second border was possible with some creative planning as I only had a 33x37" piece left over! Now to figure out the last border.

I'm leaning to the solid blue but the pink with creative dusty rose inserts brings out the blocks! They are the focus so not sure but hate finishing solid pink. 

That was the problem working on this quilt, I hate the pink background, but other Konas just did nothing for the group of fabrics. Oh well it's just about done!!!
Not sure about binding as I'm donating the top to MCC with left over pink and blue fabrics.

May 19th

My yummy supper, sweet n sour pork on fried rice and asparagus from Angie's garden! 😋

Hey it's as finished as it'll be! My ACQ mystery block top is complete and ahead of time for reveal. 

As noted I'll be donating the top and pink and navy blue left over fabrics to MCC and I'm going to suggest to bind in the navy blue fabric.
Tomorrow I'll plan out my Scrappy Triangles an start to sew them together!

OHHHHH SHOOT!!!! I should have checked earlier, "check twice before you cut" is the rule that I didn't follow! See these extra 10 Scrappy Triangles were trimmed to 6.25" instead of 6.5" - DAMN!!! 

Well at least I still have the batik scraps, green fabric and patterns to redo these blocks, not going to trim down the 51 I've ready at 6.5", no way!!!

A food wise use for a wine bottle cork opener!

May 21st

Dang it!!! Those miserable mosquitoes are hatching and I got my first bite today! It was so nice outside this past week! So it's never mind suggestions of natural repellents (I've tried many and they aren't effective enough for me - one summer of near hospitalization from my allergic reaction was enough for me) and sticking to my Dr's orders to use the strongest Deet spray I can stand OR don't go outside!!! I hardly went out last year compared to years ago, except for windy or cool days!!! This is a few bites from a couple years ago, nothing like that Ontario vacation that I was bitten even through my clothes, not a pretty site for a few weeks till antihistamines took effect. Was more groggy from that than ever using Deet!!!

Okay yesterday I redid those too small ten extra Scrappy Triangles blocks and played with the layout until I think it's OK. There's so many colours and patterns that I'm sure it does not matter. It's my baby and I'm pleased with this so I'll start sewing up the blocks!

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