March 14th
I'm out on the deck, cool but beautiful, with the Crew and keep hearing this lovely bird call. I finally spotted it, a Blue Jay!!! Spring is definitely in the air, well right now at least!!!
March 15th
Maybe it was a good thing that Angie came home two days sooner as I've had a rough day so far. It was a slow start getting up, legs were shaky getting ready and slow response to medicated rub. When I started to feel better I picked up Edna hoping to get in two rounds in the Collection Outlet Mall, nope one off and on painful round only, then lunch and took her home. Then a quick stop at Sylvia's before coming home to relax!
At least the pain level maybe hits 2 - 5, not like my previous worst levels of 8 or sometimes 10 in tears! Hope that's a good sign!
March 16th
Yesterday I finished off and washed my fish, E43 Fish by Manju Talekar July-Nov 2024 - derived from Endruck's 1920 Project pattern #43 reworked by Maria Grazia and Ninetta Caruso (that's a mouthfull). I completed one half a couple days ago, but need a bead for it's eye so on hold till I get some. I've already an idea of how it's going to be!!! The thread used was given to me and the fish measures 1.75 x 3 inches.
I've now finished round #3 of Halyna GailWeaver Dema pineapple doily. I'll continue with this Daisy size 20 Cream but also with my lovely Lizbeth size 20 in #179, I like the tatting better but not sure about the colour.
This right now would be nice in those clear coasters, might try that with the cream as the thread broke twice and just about a third time on this round.
I see lots of tattered ones in yards around the city, this could be a solution!!!
March 17th
Happy St Patrick’s Day to my family and friends!
Here's a fabric postcard I made for friends last year, something more personal from me to you!
OMGG!!! I'm 90% faithfully doing my physio stretching exercises this past month or so and noticed my clothes, jeans especially, getting looser! My niece and Edna commented on them so today I bought 2 pair size 10s (bought size 12s two weeks ago and I could pinch a good 1/2 inch on each side - returned) and a tunic length jeans shirt from Costco! Oh my I love ❤️ 😍 them all! Nope I'm not dieting but since I was sick with cold/flu last month my appetite is still down and I'm listening to my body when it says I'm full, so care packages home! I still think it's toning up too!
March 18th
Well today was so so till I got to the leg exercises then agony so relieved that with the heating pad. Afternoon I felt better so out for a walk around my block with a stop at Tim's midway, 1.25km in total as I forgot to put on the tracker at first. It was not bad except for the last block home, excruciating, so sat in the car with the heated seat on till it settled before going upstairs! Seems to be getting better, I sure hope so. Shopping is still a killer though!
March 19th
A lovely day! First a luncheon visit with Pat at Poke Mono and then picked up Edna for a walk along the start of Sturgeon Creek Pathway (hope to walk it all again). She enjoyed the sunshine and we both loved the walk. Me minor pain, but a couple of brief sit downs, I was able to finish off the walk. Again I forgot to set the tracker for the luncheon walk but steps were noted and amounted to 1,300 and a total of 3,493 steps today, just over 1.3km. I feel good and even did my mid-day exercises too.
March 20th
Yesterday I finished off and washed my second fish, E43 Fish by Manju Talekar July-Nov 2024 - derived from Endruck's 1920 Project pattern #43 reworked by Maria Grazia and Ninetta Caruso (that's a mouthfull). I've already an idea of how I'll finish them off!!! The second one's thread used is Lizbeth Sz 20 Colour 190 and also measures 1.75 x 3 inches.
March 21st
Today I took some items and Sylvia added her's for our lunch together. We tried to work on this gifted quilty puzzle today but just can't get the border right nor the 16 black squares in between the quilt patches, so we've regretfully given up on it. Then a couple errands, what 15 minutes standing picking out cards and I was in pain down my leg, glad for the heated seat for the car ride home. But zappo energy later!
March 24th
Well I woke feeling better and decided a walk is needed, lovely sunshine. Just as I started I met up with my neighbour Aida and she joined me, even a coffee stop at Tim's. I'm very pleased with myself as I walked just about to Broadway before the pain started to build and fast, sat 10 minutes on a bench then resumed as normal to Tim's and the rest of the way home. Go figure!!!
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