Friday, December 20, 2024

Catchup. - Dec 15th-19th

Dec 15th

So charming!!!

Early afternoon I ran some errands that kinda backfired before settled, then headed out to Sanford for a visit with Cindy and Janice! Cindy shocked me with these awesome pickled asparagus (from Costco) appies! Yummy!!!

Dempsters smaller wraps
Plain cream cheese spread slightly thicker like peanut butter on toast
Honey ham thinly sliced from Sobeys
Pickled asparagus from Costco
Then wrap, set in fridge and cut to 1" pieces before serving
Experiment with roast beef n horseradish or other cheeses.

Then a walk around her area checking out the Clubhouse and lights enjoying the lovely winter snowfall before our yummy supper!

And here are some of Janice's pictures.

After some scrumptious Italian desserts via Janice and vinetarte from me - we were stuffed.  I headed back to Winnipeg before the snow got heavier, safe and sound!!!

Dec 16th

So today was for Sylvia finding a new retreat sewing machine, but first yummy lunch at The Red Top. Talk about beautiful window art there!

Well after driving across the city to Sew Embroidery Warehouse only to find out they did not have floor models of the two machines she wanted to "test drive" and would not open stock boxes either. Basically we have to wait till approval for floor models is received then we can drop in again. Watch the sale will be over by then and they won't honour it!!! 🤔

We checked some online and she'll wait and see!

I did some shopping then stopped at Urban Garage and bit the bullet and ordered new tires, these were 6 years old in August!!!

Dec 17th

Today Aida and I went for a lovely walk through the CN Station to the Forks for a cinnamon bun and coffee, checked out the shops upstairs (spotted this crafted tree) before heading home again.

Then picked up Edna at Polo Park after her shopping before taking her elsewhere to get another present and again an apple fritter and coffee before driving her home. And me home to put my feet up!!!

Oooohhhhh this is catching the sun beautifully today!!! Thank you Jan!

Dec 19th

Awesome idea for these beauties!

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