Sunday, August 25, 2024

Catchup: Aug 2nd-Aug 7th, 2024

I'm visiting my friends and these two welcomed me very nicely! Nearly brought me to tears seeing this, my hip/leg is paining me today!

Guess Bubba missed me! He's snuggled in under my arm! AAAHHHH!!!

OHHH what a lovely day, nice temperatures awesome breezes and I wish I was out walking some beach in the water, even Birds Hill! BUT dang it I had to close the shading umbrella as twice it tried to join the fictitious Mary Poppins!!! Won't be out here long in the sun without my wide brim hat that I forgot!

Hmmmmm wwonder what he wants????

Aug 4th

Hmmmm I got just jipped out of breakfast on the deck today with the light rain!!! Not fair!!!

Hmmmm a hot tub or a massage would probably feel good today, might soothe the sore back!!! I've been careful around these two pugs as they like going between ones feet, nope they were ahead of me, not close at all. But still I misjudged my step and balance, thankful for the low wall between landing and basement stairs, but I saved myself from worse aches.

Aug 7th

While out running errands passed by this garden. So beautiful!!!

And remember the flooded yard and my digging the remaining 6 foot draining trench so it could drain into the ditch! Well it's finally gone!!! And if road construction plans go through that property will be gone and a big ditch near there for better drainage?

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