Monday, September 25, 2017

Girls' Day Out!

What a lovely visit that Joan and I had with Colleen in Birds Hill today.  We had the lunch special of steak fajitas and all of us found them a might spicy for our tastes but good.  Then we went over to Sobeys and I showed them the ready to cook individual meals I found on Friday and had enjoyed.  They were pleased with the variety for single meals for a change.  Then we went back to Colleen's to visit some AND before leaving we were given fresh zucs, tomatoes and a couple jars of her just canned jams!  WOW we were lucky girls.

OH and out she comes with a little bag for me and said she saw this at the farmers market and thought of me.  It's beautiful and I don't have such and quickly put it on to wear home!  Now to plan our Christmas gathering at Pineridge Hollow - can't wait!

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